ComplianceAssistant: Compliance Tracking Tool

The Requirement
It is the building owner’s responsibility to keep their building in compliance with local codes, standards, regulations and by-laws. Staying current requires collaboration of multiple staff, departments, and vendors. Once the requirements have been clearly identified, tracking all necessary check, test, and inspection requirements can be overwhelming. Reporting to management, insurance, and the fire departments can take months to prepare, but you typically only have days. BRC’s ComplianceAssistant can streamline this preparation down to a few clicks.
The Solution
With requirements identified and due dates scheduled, ComplianceAssistant allows staff and vendors to submit reports, documents, and pictures directly to the requirement, updating your level of compliance. With quick access to buildings, their requirements, and reports, utilize ComplianceAssistant to track auditing, repairs, and future expenditures.

The Dashboard visualizes your status, including late requirements and outstanding repairs. You can quickly identify buildings with key issues, document communications, and export summary reports as needed.

The Detail allows you to efficiently look at specific buildings or portfolios— one-click access to key documents, reports, and status. You can integrate work order systems through APIs to avoid duplication of effort while focusing on specific fire & life safety needs.

The Result
Demonstrate that you are compliant with instant reporting and the ability to grant access to management, insurers, and fire departments.
Automate your reporting or intranet dashboard access to compliance details.
Save time manually tracking compliance by involving staff and vendors directly in the process.
Keep your documentation organized and in one place, regardless of its origin.