Product Updates
In our continuous effort to provide the industry’s best-in-class solutions for fire safety and prevention, BuildingReports Canada always strives to improve its offerings and services. Here are the latest updates developed and implemented by our experts.
February 2025
Get Reports
- Introduced a feature to notify stakeholders when device repair pricing is updated following an inspection. To send a notification, locate your ScanSeries inspection on the relevant tab of the Get Reports page, select the Service Options icon, then click the Notify button. The notification will include a direct link to the report for easy access to the updated pricing
Notification Manager
- Resolved an issue preventing notifications from being sent for BRForms uploads when using the ‘Inspection Upload’ On Event
Salesforce Integration
- Introduced a new privilege for custom user roles, granting users access to the SF integration interface
- Updated the Test & Inspection Frequency field to include ‘Daily’ and ‘Service’ options, offering more flexibility for daily inspections and service-only reports
December 2024
- To enable faster data entry the ability to tab between fields on the building, add, and edit windows was added
Get Reports
- “Inspector Signed” and “Building Rep. Signed” are new, optional fields that can be added to the inspection list on any ScanSeries tab. This allows you to easily see who signed an inspection without opening it. To add the columns, hover your cursor over any column heading, click the arrow, hover over Columns, and mark the appropriate checkboxes
- On the Get Reports page, an issue that caused text to be omitted has been resolved. Previously, building names with text placed between the greater than and less than signs, such as “Building <123>,” were only showing as “Building.” The text appears as part of the building name as intended
- An issue that caused devices to retain their authorized status after a Building Owner had cancelled the authorization process in the Proposed Solutions section of a standard ScanSeries report has been fixed
Salesforce Integration
- A solution for tracked items displayed without spaces or commas when multiple inspections are linked to the same Opportunity or Work Order has been implemented
ScanSeries Mobile Application (iOS)
- Previously, users could not open inspection reports on the Inspections tab of BRMobile in the iOS ScanSeries application. This issue has now been resolved
Setup Page
- A solution was identified and implemented to ensure certification expiration dates are displayed on the Company Info tab
November 2024
- Completed BRForms update to restore the time-saving ability to clone previous “Form Templates”
Custom Reports
- Enhancements to eleven Branded and Custom Report formats providing greater reporting flexibility
General Site Functionality
- Restored importing of Time/Materials for Service Tickets using CSV files to streamline and accelerate process
Get Reports
- Get Reports page improvements completed to better display user-entered data
Standard Reports
- Streamlined Notes and Recommendations to display more consistently across ScanSeries apps
- Based on Member feedback, improved consistency of Codes & Standards displayed on SprinklerScan cover page
- Clarified content description for FireScan and SuppressionScan Reports
October 2024
- Updates to BRForms, including integrating form ID and form versions into additional display columns on the Get Reports page, requested by users
- Updates to Custom User roles within ComplianceAssistance granting greater access and support more personalized user experiences
- Advancements to ComplianceAssistant Service promote greater efficiencies
Custom Reports
- Completion of several Branded and Custom Report formats to enhance customization and provide greater reporting flexibility
- Failure Rate by Device/App Widget improvements to include total count tables for enhanced user personalization
General Site Functionality
- Updated UI to correct a text issue where spacing was missing during the password reset process
- Enhancements to ScheduleManager allows users to add two new columns when viewing Service Tickets, showing which users have added materials as well as the date they were added
September 2024
- Multiple updates and advancements to our ComplianceAssistant service as part of our continuous software improvements
Custom Reports
- Completion of several Branded and Custom Report formats to provide greater reporting flexibility
- Enabled advanced usability for new Dashboard and Widgets to ensure members remain in full control of their daily tasks
General Site Functionality
- Advanced Notifications for Mobile users to ensure real-time access to important updates
August 2024
- Various updates to mobile applications to ensure frictionless compatibility across devices
Custom Reports
- Various branded and custom reports deployed to improve service member and customer insights
- Additional widgets and various updates added to Welcome Page Dashboard to enhance customization
General Site Functionality
- Multiple advancements to Terms of Service Authorizations
- Background preparations for third-party reporting integration to enhance user functionality
July 2024
- Updates and corrections to AccountsManager
- Miscellaneous BRForms improvements
- ComplianceAssistant service updates completed to enhance user support
Custom Reports
- Expanded selection of Branded and Custom Reports
- Rollout of a new Sprinkler Report
- New and enhanced features integrated into Dashboard and Analytical Reporting Widgets
- Dashboard Widgets optimized to improve dashboard personalization and utilization
General Site Functionality
- Website translation tools optimized to increase user accessibility
- Linked Users Welcome Page corrections executed to enhance user experience
- Integrations Advancements implemented to support expanded platform accessibility
- Delivery of Calendar Service Ticket User Interfaces Backend updates
- SchedulingManager improvements completed to enhance operations and logistics management